Kingdom Support & Care Values

What is the Purpose, Values, and Aims of Kingdom Support and Care?

KSC is an independent wholly owned subsidiary of KHA and part of the Kingdom Group. The Group Purpose statement is to provide more than a home and KSC contributes to this corporate purpose through our Purpose, values and aims described below:

Our Purpose is to provide great support which helps people have great lives, living as fully and independently as possible as part of their community.

Our Values are:

Customer – We are customer focussed, being person centred and outcomes focussed in our approach to support.

Accountable – We are accountable to our customers for delivering great support and we promote people’s individual rights & responsibilities. We involve them in ensuring that our services meet quality standards.

– We respect the uniqueness and worth of the people we support, recognising that their views, wishes and participation are key to planning and delivering great support. We promote equality and respect diversity.

– We are flexible and creative in designing supports and are solutions focussed to ensure we are as efficient and effective as possible.

Supportive – We work towards enabling people to live meaningful, fulfilling and independent lives within the community, where they can feel supported, safe and able to achieve their desired potential, free from exploitation or over protection.

The Aims of Kingdom Support and Care

We recognise that people face many challenges in their lives and may have had life experiences which impact on their ability to develop and lead independent lives.

We aim to support people to minimise the impact of the challenges they face in their day to day lives and to maximise opportunities for a great life through supporting them to:

  • Lead, control and make informed choices about their lives and support;
  • Be as independent as possible in daily life with the right amount of support;
  • Have meaningful friendships and relationships where they are valued and value others;
  • Be included in and contribute to their community and society;
  • Have meaningful things to do, including employment, voluntary work, education or training;
  • Develop new and existing skills which support personal growth;
  • Pursue and enjoy hobbies and interests;
  • Take positive risks to develop new skills and have new experiences which make life better;
  • Live life as a unique individual with confidence and self esteem.

James Street
Fife, KY12 7QE

01383 741220

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