What are the career pathways within Kingdom Support & Care?

Kingdom Support and Care is committed to making sure it has the right staff, with the right skills, knowledge and abilities, in the right place and at the right time. This enables us to respond to the challenges and opportunities to continue to flourish and grow.

We invest in our staff at all levels, where we offer paid SVQ within the field of Health and Social Care to ensure that all staff have equal opportunities to develop professionally and personally. We have a core and recommended training programme, consisting of easy to use elearning platforms, classroom based training and mentoring opportunities.

How can I progress within Kingdom Support and Care?

We offer an internal stepping up programme to staff at all levels as we understand that staff contribute to the work and success of the organisation. This stepping up programme promotes career progression as well as future proofing our skilled workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer paid vocational training (SVQ)?

Yes, we have a SVQ vocational training strategy that all staff have access to after successful completion of probationary period.

How long do I need to wait before starting my SVQ?
You need to have passed probation before being considered for SVQ Learning, in the first instance you should speak to your line manager.
Are there staff currently participating in SVQ or Stepping Up?

Yes there are, we aim for there to always be opportunities for staff to progress professionally through SVQs or our internal step up programme.

Do you provide digital equipment to carry out my SVQ?

Yes we provide digital equipment to staff members to allow them to be able to participate in SVQ’s, elearning and induction programmes.

James Street
Fife, KY12 7QE

01383 741220

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